

iMpower (Initiative for Maximising Potential Of Workforce through Ensuring Resources) programme is M3M Foundation’s holistic development initiative that focuses on ensuring required resources to enhance the abilities of the migrant workers, their children and families. iMpower is a systematic approach that facilitates the growth and development of the individuals, through models of Early Childhood Care Quality Education, Health Care and Hygiene, Adolescent Education, Identity and Entitlements, Digital Literacy and Skill training.


iMpower (Initiative for Maximising Potential Of Workforce through Ensuring Resources) programme is M3M Foundation’s holistic development initiative that focuses on ensuring required resources to enhance the abilities of the migrant workers, their children and families. iMpower is a systematic approach that facilitates the growth and development of the individuals, through models of Early Childhood Care Quality Education, Health Care and Hygiene, Adolescent Education, Identity and Entitlements, Digital Literacy and Skill training.


Early childhood, defined as the period from birth to six years old, is a time of remarkable growth with brain development at its peak. During this stage, children are highly influenced by the environment and the people that surround them.

Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) is more than preparation for primary school. It aims at the holistic development of a child's social, emotional, cognitive and physical needs in order to build a solid and broad foundation for lifelong learning and wellbeing. While ECCE plays an important role in the lives of children but many children specially the children of migrant workers are deprived of it.

  • Setting up a safe and hygienic crèche facility
  • Providing age appropriate nutritional support to reduce malnutrition
  • Providing pre-school education as per state government curriculum
  • Ensuring timely vaccination & immunisation


Adolescence is psychologically the period between childhood dependency and being a functionally independent autonomous adult. Adolescence Education has been conceptualised as an educational response to the need for support, encouragement, clarifications and information that adolescents often express in order to make sense of their rapidly changing world. It aims at the holistic development in terms of social, emotional, cognitive and physical needs in order to build a solid and broad foundation for lifelong learning and wellbeing.

  • Formation of Kishori Samooh (Adolescent Girls’ committee)
  • Impart necessary skills to use the technology with responsibility
  • Adequate counselling on sexuality and reproductively


M3M Foundation understands that women empowerment is essential for the socio-economic development of any society. Making women aware of their rights and developing confidence in them is crucial for making them empowered. It is essential for them to be skilled in order to be able to better serve their families at home as well as professionally.

  • Formation of Women's and Mother's committee
  • Organising meetings to discuss about different social and economic issues
  • Awareness sessions on women’s rights
  • Skill development for generating income opportunities and providing better employability
  • Ensuring financial literacy to make independent decisions


Health is one of the key factors to consider when fighting poverty. Good health not only increases life opportunities, but also allows women to reduce their economic burden due to unplanned expenditures. Under iMpower programme, our focus is on improving services for nutrition, maternal and new-born health, and communicable diseases, so that women and girls, across the labour camps and neighbouring communities.

  • Free health check-up camps
  • Counselling with Primary Health Center (PHC)
  • Counselling for lactating mother
  • Awareness through ICT


The need for digital literacy in a country as populous and diverse as India is critical. If it is used for education, health care, citizen services, financial services, or any other basic need, technology and connectivity, it can make a huge difference to the socio-economic levels of a community and ultimately to the country, since true progress comes from an inclusive growth.

  • To empower people by imparting skills to use e-services like e-commerce, e-governance, e-panchayat, etc.
  • To equip the people with necessary skills to use the technology with responsibility.
  • To make the people of community digitally literate through various e-learning platforms.


Majority of the construction workers are not aware about their rights and benefits they can avail from the government. Linking these construction site workers and their families with multiple Central and State Government Schemes is a step forward towards their empowerment. Through this initiative  iMpower workers would be made aware of their rights and use this knowledge to fight in situations where they are facing discrimination and being exploited at construction sites.

  • Spreading awareness regarding workers’ rights to reduce discrimination
  • Empowering workers through linking them with government schemes
  • Helping the workers and their families with their identity credentials


Women & youth benefitting from the programme.

Individuals benefitted from the health camp organized.

More than 700 labourers were vaccinated.

School Admissions


Children benefiting from the programme

Stories of change

Mumta started coming to iMpower club in October, 2020. Initially it was difficult for her to adjust to the new environment, but she gradually learned to read and write. Mumta now is well versed in Hindi as well as in English. She can do basic calculations and is an active participant in all extra-curricular activities too. Her mother is very happy to see all her children learning at the iMpower club while she is away at the work-site. 12-year-old Mumta, comes from a small village in Uttar Pradesh. Her parents, along with her two younger brothers moved to Gurugram in search of livelihood and started living at IFC labour camp. Mumta stayed in her ancestral village with her grandparents. Both her brothers became regular members of the iMpower club. Mumta’a mother, Rupali was also very happy with the establishment of the same. She observed the changes and felt…

Stories of change 2

Santosh started coming to the iMpower club along with his three year old sister. iMpower staff took Santosh and four other children to the nearest Government School, Khatola for their admission. The gap in his educational period became a challenge. To make learning a stable experience for Santosh and other children, iMpower supported them with preparation during exams, opening bank accounts etc. As a result, Santosh now happily goes to school. Like Santosh, four more children from Cornerwalk labour camp have been enrolled in school. Documentation work and other aid is also in process, to get every child enrolled in the school for their formal education.
14 year old Santosh came to Gurugram with his family two years ago. There are five members in his family. Santosh’s mother, father and elder brother work as labor at one of the M3M’s construction sites. Santosh takes care of her…

Stories of change 3

Departures are tough, especially when one doesn't want it but is forced to leave a space that holds a special place in one's heart, simply because life has other plans designed for them. It's definitely a poignant, painful and heart-wrenching experience for an individual to go through all the above. Aziza,  unfortunately, is no exception.

Aziza, a 45-year-old woman from Assam travelled with her husband all the way to Gurugram in search for employment. Unavailability of work compelled her to leave home to run a family consisting of six members. 

After days of disappointment for not being able crack an opportunity, she and her husband found work at M3M India. But life wasn't bed of roses as Aziza couldn't take advantage of any state and central government schemes due to lack of identity proofs 

M3M Foundation, the philanthropic arm of M3M India, is extending its support to Aziza and her…

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